Human Trafficking…a poem (by Virginia)

…Hearts Molested…

Children  – Sisters – Daughters – Sons:

Lost.        Taken.


To greed, abuse and twisted desires.

Exploited, but not discarded;

Used, again and again.

Hearts crushed.  Bodies violated.  Minds bruised.

Chains of despair – ALL is darkness.

Cries muffled in the night

No chance to dream, living in nightmares.

There is no Light

There is no Hope

There is no Love

Cries of hearts – hearts molested.

Who will hear them?

Courage: to care, to act, to do.

Restore dreams of life unfettered:

Beauty unveiled. Love revealed.

There is Light

There is Hope

There is Love

Soldiers of Light, listen.

Break chains crippling hearts and minds –

The victims AND the victimizers.

Cries of hearts – hearts molested…

Who will help them?


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22 Responses to Human Trafficking…a poem (by Virginia)

  1. Cindy Kranich says:

    Virginia, Your poem is so moving–I’m reduced to tears! I hope the Sex & Money team will use this during their 50 state campaign! love, Cin

    • Virginia says:

      Thanks Cindy! When Megan organized the Breaking the Chains artist evening 2 yrs ago at the Art Cafe, she asked me to find a poem on Human Trafficking. After pouring over poetry books at the Library (etc) I found NOTHING, so came home…and wrote this for the event. (Note – had just used the movie “Amazing Grace” as a teaching tool for an advocacy course, so was thinking of John Newton – the exploited AND the exploiters – and how his transformation from a slave-ship owner made a difference in the abolition of the slave trade..)

  2. Shere Perry says:

    This is so moving, and kind of puts it al into perspective! Thanks for sharing this with your blog readers! You have such a gift for words, and a heart for this issue. I’m glad the S & M team have you as a supporter! Keep up the great blogging! WE are all beneficiaries! ~Shere

  3. marisajoyb says:

    This is excellent. Also, I just saw a showing of the Sex and Money documentary (saw some other people posted regarding that).

  4. Hi virginia My name is Alex Hernandez I am the administrator of ” United Front Against Human trafficking” on Facebook. I would like to share this poem on my group?

  5. Hi Virginia I am an intern for Change Purse which is an organization working against Human Trafficking ( I’m writing a blog for the web site and I would like to share this poem, is that okay? Thanks! -Chelsea

    • Virginia says:

      Hi Chelsea – what a CREATIVE idea to use purses to help stop Human Trafficking! Pls feel free to use the poem however it can help…(& i must go check my closet for those ‘in-good-condition-but-won’t-be-used-purses to send on.. : ) grace, peace & great ideas – Virginia

  6. bob says:

    can i use this as a poem for school

  7. Virginia, I’am a victim of human trafficting and love your poem.It absolutely describes the damage that is done to ones spirit while in the grasp of trafficters.I was only sixteen.. Thank you for this beautiful poem every survivor should read this.God Bless

    • Virginia says:

      Thank you so much, Michelle, for blessing me with your comment today. May God continue to give you extra doses of courage to face the darkness of those memories with the Healing Power in the Light of His love for YOU, His most beautiful, precious child. You are BELOVED, never forget it, by our Heavenly Creator Who loves you with an everlasting love, the kind that zaps the darkness out of the terrifying closets in our hearts. Thank you, Michelle… so very much.

      Lots of grace, peace & Hope – Virginia : )

  8. robstroud says:

    I cannot tell you how many people to whom I have tried to explain that slavery exists today. So many don’t believe it. In truth, they don’t want to believe it, so they choose to live in ignorance. So tragic.

    • Virginia says:

      Indeed, too tragic when young girls & boys are still ‘sold’ – conscripted – forced into slavery of all types: from workhouses to the horrific sex trafficking where bodies are abused again & again to profit corrupt dealers of human flesh. My niece did a documentary on the sex trafficking in the U.S. (see the previous post to this one for more info …) After traveling the globe seeing international trafficking when this group of 20-somethings arrived home, they were horrified to find it here in the U.S. – & so did what they could about by making a documentary (Sex+Money: a National Search for Human Worth) & touring it in all 50 states to raise awareness in universities, churches & public forums… Check it out!

      Thanx for stopping by … & i so like your inspirational Inklings blog!!

  9. Todd Biss says:

    Virginia, thanks so much for using your gifts for such a vital cause. I also have a request. I’m a filmmaker/photographer who has been working with a non-profit called Remember Nhu. We have been working diligently for the last 7 years to prevent the use of children in the sex trade around the world. Remember Nhu started in South East Asia and is now in 8 countries from Thailand to Gambia. My latest assignment with them is to create a short “mood” piece that can be played at various banquets across the country. In my search for the perfect background motivation I stumbled across your poem and was very moved. I forwarded it to the President and Development Director at Remember Nhu and they agreed that your poem would be perfect. I would like to show you some examples of our work and give you more of an idea of how we would use your poem if you are willing. Thanks for your consideration.

    Agape, Todd Biss

    • Virginia says:

      Todd – be welcomed to use the poem… & if you want to somewhere credit Virginia at this blog ( … & pls let Remember Nhu know about the Sex+Money documentary (my niece, Morgan Perry is the Executive Producer) – it’s good to link folks up, especially working to raise awareness & fight against human trafficking.

      Blessings to you & your ministry!
      grace, peace & Arts in Action

  10. says:

    Hello Virginia, this poem is so moving and inspiring. May I use this poem in an upcoming event to drive awareness about child sex trafficking

    • Virginia says:

      Yes, please feel free to use it to highlight awareness of this issue however you can! If it’s possible somewhere to credit this blog? ( But if you’re reciting it (as I did for my niece’s event) – no worries. Blessings as you shine a light on this horrific issue.

  11. Loria Yeadon says:

    You bet! Will do. Thanks so much. Wahoowa!

    • Virginia says:

      Yaaay – Wahoowa! Visited C’ville recently & had a grand time traipsing around the Rotunda & the Lawn & the Corner – UVA is still one of most beautiful (& inspiring) places to study! 🎉🏀🎉

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