Snapshots & Whatnot: Doggone Doggie!!

Blogger Virginia is (definitely) not a doggie person, but to help out her precious niece (who very much is a doggie person) she relocated for a few days to her sister’s home to look after her niece’s precious Chihuahua, Beast (affectionately called “BB.”)

“Dogs leave pawprints on our hearts.” (Unknown)

BB is 17 (quite old in doggie years) and needs lots of extra TLC. Hence the reason great-auntie v looked after him while sis Shere & Woody (her husband) went to visit niece, Mo, who recently moved to California.

auntie v (awkward) iPhone BB selfie

I usually am not (not not not) into doggies, but BB is so precious he snuggled right into my arms and heart.

He even snuck under the covers at night!

The first night I tried to put him on a doggie bed next to my bed, but he waved his paws up at me like, ‘are you kidding, aren’t you going to let me up there with you?’

I couldn’t resist his pleading eyes. Up he came… and somehow crawled out of his doggie blanket and snuggled under mine during the night.

Non-doggie auntie v definitely had her heart paw-printed by BB!

BB in the music room wondering where is everyone?

We had a grand time, altogether, despite yucky rainy weather. Hanging out on the weekend watching Netflix, reading books, going outside to look at the stars (after the rain) – BB kept auntie v company.

Uncle Dwight zoomed over several times for quality TLC time with BB!

BB sending Mo a ‘kiss’ on her birthday

After my sis returned and I traipsed on back home, I must confess – non doggie auntie v misses that doggone doggie, BB!

grace, peace & powerful pawprints

Virginia : )

“Care is being with, crying out with, suffering with, feeling with. Care is compassion.” Henri Nouwen

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26 Responses to Snapshots & Whatnot: Doggone Doggie!!

  1. My Carmel says:

    So sweet! ❤ Good night and sweet dreams Virginia! God bless you!

    • Virginia says:

      Patty – it’s been a few days & I’m definitely going thru BB withdrawal. He snuggled his way into my heart! Blessings & hugs! 💕🐾🐶🐾💕

  2. what a sweet story and he is adorable!

    • Virginia says:

      Michele, BB is adorably ancient – he needs ‘lifts’ up the stairs & loves to snuggle under warm blankets. Which is how he snuggled his way into my heart – he fell asleep in my lap on the sofa! Hugs! 💕🐾🐶🐾💕

  3. arlene says:

    Lucky dog, he is loved 🙂

    • Virginia says:

      Arlene – BB totally snuggled his way into my heart. I’ve been missing him all week (need to work out visitation schedule with my sis!) Hugs! 💕🐾🐶🐾💕

  4. Mark Kranich says:

    Glad you had a great time, GL. I’m beginning to think Beast no longer merits the nickname “el Diablo”!

    • Virginia says:

      Mark – when Beast was younger I always gave him plenty of room (!!) but now in his ancient frailty he snuck right into my heart. Too precious! 💜🐾🐶🐾💜

  5. Cindy Kranich says:

    What a precious tribute, GL❣️🐶🥰

    • Virginia says:

      Cin – I’ve been going thru B withdrawal (missing him so much!) How hilarious is that, your non-doggie sis (who pet Midnight with a paper towel) has undergone major transformation. Tx for your prayers! 🌟💜🐾🐶🐾💜🌟

  6. Garfield Hug says:

    BB is so cute. Sweet dreams😃

    • Virginia says:

      Hey GH, I’ve been going thru BB withdrawal all week. BB is really cute – ancient & still has loads of personality. He also loves warm blankets! Hugs! 💜🐾🐶🐾💜

  7. Debbie says:

    I’m not fond of Chihuahuas, but BB seems to have won you over, Virginia. So nice your sis was able to travel, confident you’d take good care of her fur-kid!

    • Virginia says:

      Debbie – in 3rd grade I once jumped a fence when a friend’s Chihuahua barked at me (not a fan either) but BB in his ancient frailty totally snuggled his way into my heart. He has so many challenges I was happy to look after him, but now I miss him so much, need to work out a visitation schedule with my sis! Blessings! 🌟💕🐾🐶🐾💕🌟

  8. janesig says:

    Sounds as if you had a great time. He looks adorable! Our little Jack Russell has a touch of Chi in her, we think; she’s a real cuddlebug.

    • Virginia says:

      BB can be a bit ferocious, but once he warmed up he snuggled me to bits. He kept putting his little paws up for me to pick him up so he could snuggle whenever I was sitting. Now I miss him! Blessings! 💜🐾🐶🐾💜

      • janesig says:

        Funnily enough, our JRT cross has a touch of Chi, we think. Reckon it gives her
        her cuddly nature, although she can be all terrier when she has a mind. We also have an elderly ex breeding bichon, still scared at times, but she’s gradually realised that we mean her no harm and that she can relax!

      • Virginia says:

        BB is both ferocious & cuddly. When he was younger I gave him plenty of room. But now he’s snuggled his spell on me. @ my sister’s for dinner the other night I didn’t want to let him out of my arms! Doggie blessings! 🐾🐶🐾

  9. TMH says:

    Nice job of opening up your home and heart to that dawwwwg, V!
    In the meantime, here in the temperate climate of the West Coast…

    • Virginia says:

      My heart misses B – my sis will have to work out a visitation schedule! Can’t beleive all that snow – woot woot! (Or, should I say, woof, woof?) Snow Blessings & hugs! ☃️🐾🐶🐾💜

  10. Emily Reilly says:

    So precious aww ❤️

  11. Pingback: MERRY IN-BETWEEN!! : ) | Roses in the Rubble

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